April by Helen Hunt Jackson

clipart dandelion seeds

Robins call robins in tops of trees;
Doves follow doves with scarlet feet;
Frolicing babies, sweeter than these,
Crowd green corners where highways meet.

Violets stir and arbutus wakes,
Claytonia's rosy bells unfold;
Dandelion through the meadow makes
A royal road, with seals of gold.

Golden and snowy and red the flowers,
Golden, snowy and red in vain;
Robins call robins through sad showers,
The white dove's feet are wet with rain.

For April sobs while these are so glad,
April weeps while these are so gay---
Weeps like a tired child who had,
Playing with flowers, lost its way.

Helen Hunt Jackson [1830-1885]

clipart dandelion seeds clipart dandelion seeds clipart dandelion seeds clipart dandelion seeds clipart dandelion seeds clipart dandelion seeds clipart dandelion seeds