Dandelion Stories A collection of short stories about the dandelion flower.
Dandelion Benefits The health benefits of dandelion for different ailments.
False Dandelions
False dandelion is a common name for a number of plants similar to dandelions.
Hypochaeris Autumnalis
Scorzoneroides, also known as hawkbits, is a genus of plants in the family of Asteracee, which is the same family as the daisy flower. One species that resemble the dandelion is Scorzoneroides Autumnalis, which is often referred to as autumn hawkbit, and the 'fall dandelion'. In the Latin synonym of the plant name, Leontodon autumnalis, meaning "lion's tooth", the same meaning as the word dandelion.
Source-Wikipedia{See More Photos of Hypochaeris radicata}