"A Rhapsody" by John Clare
A few Verses from John Clare's "The Rhapsody" poem, which mentions the Dandelion Flower.
Sweet solitude what joy to be alone
In wild wood shady dell to stay for hours
Twould soften hearts if they were hard as stone
To see glad Butterflies & smiling flowers
Tis pleasant in these quiet lonely places
Where not the voice of Man our pleasure mars
To see the little bees with coal black faces
Gath'ring sweets from little flowers like stars
Tis May and yet the March flower Dandelion
Is still in bloom among the Emerald grass
Shining like guineas with the suns warm eye on
We almost think they are gold as we pass
Or fallen stars on a green sea of grass
The[y] shine in fields on waste grounds near the town
They closed like painters brush when even was
At length they turn to nothing else but down
While the rude winds blow of[f] each shadowy crown
Read the Full Poem