Dandelion Stories
Dandelion Cottage - by Carrol Watson Rankin
In exchange for yardwork and general upkeep, four young girls are allowed to spend the summer together in a small cottage, but soon many unexpected events occur.
The Dandelion and the Orchid
All about an Orchid who meets and befriends a sad dandelion. A tale about powerful force of unconditional love and sisterhood.
The Legend of the Dandelion
This is an old fable about the Angel of flowers who encounters a dandelion in a forest, which tells the story about why the dandelion grows so abundantly in so many places.
The Dandelion
Who Wanted To See The World
A charming short story about a dandelion who never gave up wishing that she could see what was above the soil and explore the world.
The Story Of The Man And The Dandelions
A short story with a clever message about acceptance, about a man who tries to get rid of the dandelions that kept popping up in his yard.
Nasreddin's Flower Garden
This is a Traditional Sufi story that is very short but contains a beautifully powerful message at the end.
An Experience with Dandelion Coffee
A woman shares her discovery of dandelion coffee and its benefits while attempting to make her own home-made batch of the brew.
Dandelions and Hummingbirds - An Inspirational Story
Shawondasee and the Golden Girl
Shawondasee, the South Wind, was much gentler than his brothers of the East, West, and North...
Lessons From A Dandelion
This is a Traditional Sufi story that is very short but contains a beautifully powerful message at the end.
A Few Lessons Inspired by The Dandelion
The delightful and resilient dandelion has many valuable lessons for teachers starting out in their careers--or for anyone who'd like to learn some inspirational lessons for teaching.
A Story Inspired by the Dandelion About Struggle and Acceptance
A creative writing about the struggle of depression inspired by dandelions
The Proud Little Apple Blossom
Adapted from a story by Hans Christian Andersen
The Story of the Meadow Dandelion
This is a story Chippewa Story version of a Native American legend about the dandelion flower.
Dandelion-Down by Lucy Larcom
The soft eyes smiled a little more tenderly, in answer. “Did you see where the seed-feathers went, Floss-Hair, when you blew them from the stem?”
A Dandelion Story And Legend
Beauty can be found in the most unexpected places.
The Norse Dandelion Story and Legend
We call this little yellow flower the dandelion, but long ago it was called by the Norse people "the sunshine of Balder."
"Dandelion Wine.html" A Story By Ray Bradbury
A 1957 novel taking place in the summer of 1928. The novel developed from the short story "Dandelion Wine" which appeared in the June 1953 issue of Gourmet magazine..
When The Wind Loved The Dandelion
An Ojibwe Legend and Native American folklore story about the Dandelion and the winds.
Dandelions - A Good Object Lesson For Life
An inspirational story about dandelions that teaches a spiritual and moral lesson.
The Power Of The Dandelion
A short story with an spiritual message inspired by the traits of the dandelion.
Time Flowers - Children's Story - Kate Louise Brown
A short classic children's story about dandelions and telling the time of day.
Dandelion Soup Book Excerpt and Recipe
Padraig, sitting next to Dancey, looked down at his soup with interest. On the top of it was floating what looked like dandelion petals...
How West Wind Helped Dandelion
An enchanting short story about the west winds gave the dandelion some help.
The Legend of the Dandelion
A short mythological story about the Sun, Moon and how some of the Stars became dandelions.
One Little Dandelion
A short story from 1892 about a little girl named dorothy and a dandelion flower.
The Granddad And The Dandelion
But have you ever had a plant as a friend? Have you ever been friends with a flower or a tree? Either way, this is a story about a grandfather who had a very special friend.
The Dandelion Flower - A Short Poetic Story
A short creative poetic story written by Conrad John.
Dandelion and White Trillium - Anne Baxter
A short story about a dandelion and a white trillium.
A Lawn Filled With Dandelions - A Beautiful Story About Acceptance
This is a Traditional Sufi story that is very short but contains a beautifully powerful message at the end.
"Dandelion Summer" - A Father's Letter to His Daughter
A Father's Letter to His Daughter" from the inspiring novel DANDELION SUMMER by Lisa Wingate
Lessons learned from the dandelion thorns in life
A personal story from Christian author Kim Sorgius about the dandelion as a metaphor for spiritual growth.
The Daisy & The Dandelion: A Love Story
A story about a Love connection that was destined to Be. {includes an audio version read by the author]
The Dandelion And The Rose
A short story about a rose and a dandelion, the magic of a wish, and happiness.