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Dandelion Information

Dandelion Seed

dandelion white seed puff It takes between 9 to 15 days for the dandelion bloom to fully ripen and transform into the familiar, white, spherical, seed head. The yellow flower head of the dandelion can sometimes transform into the puffy white seed head overnight. This time frame depends on temperature and conditions, and the plant seeds mature faster in dry, warm weather.

The actual seed of a dandelion is encased in a small, dry fruit called achene. Each dandelion seed head can contain dozen of these many single-seeded achenes. Each seed achene is attached to a tiny parachute-like structure, called pappus. The feathery bristles and fine hairs of the pappus allow it to function as a parachute by enabling the seeds to be carried by the wind currents and transported over long distances, producing more plants wherever they land.

It takes about nine weeks from the time the seed lands on the ground to the point where it produces more seeds. The wind-aided seed dispersal allows dandelions to grow rapidly and abundantly far and wide. Mowing the plants and cutting the blooms before the seeds have fully matured can slow the spread of dandelions. Seed production occurs at any time of year, but peaks from early April to early June, and again in the late fall. Each dandelion that goes to seed produces between 135-300 seeds.

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Dandelion Fruit

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or explore some unique dandelion folklore, myths and legends.